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Urban Preparatory

Our mission is to cultivate a generation of courageous Bible-believing followers and disciples of Christ. Rooted in Gospel values and a commitment to excellence, Courage Academy provides a transformative educational experience that prepares students to navigate the challenges of the world with faith, resilience, and integrity.

About the School

Our day begins each morning with Morning Motivation. MM is 20 minutes of devotion and inspiration that will get you ready for the day! Our students recite the UPA Student Creed, Pledge of Allegiance and then we pray before students go off to class for the day. We have added an Intro to Law class for our MS and plenty of STEAM activities for K-5 students. We focus on character building, reading and math skills.

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Transform lives at Urban Prep Academy! Your support provides urban youth with access to quality education, character development, and the tools to succeed. Together, we can shape a brighter future.


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