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Indoctrination or Education? The Truth About Public Schools

Writer's picture: Pauline RiveraPauline Rivera

The American education system is at a critical juncture, with growing concerns about the direction of public schools. Beneath the surface of falling academic standards lies a deeper issue: the shaping of children’s worldviews and values in ways that many parents neither expect nor approve of.

What’s Happening in Public Schools?

The numbers speak for themselves—less than one-third of students in public schools are proficient in fundamental subjects like reading, writing, and math. Yet, schools are increasingly focused on promoting controversial ideologies, often at the expense of academic excellence.

Investigative journalist Alex Newman has spent years uncovering what he describes as a deliberate effort to undermine faith, family, and freedom in the classroom. “There are people who want this to happen,” Newman says, referring to the system’s shift away from traditional values.

His research reveals that many of the architects of modern education intended to replace a faith-centered worldview with one aligned with secular, anti-Christian ideologies. Newman calls this a systemic problem that impacts not only academic outcomes but the moral and spiritual fabric of society.

Why Are Parents Leaving Public Schools?

In recent years, millions of families have decided to opt out of public schools, choosing alternatives like homeschooling, private Christian schools, and co-ops. This movement gained significant momentum during the COVID-19 pandemic when the number of homeschoolers doubled in a single year.

While this shift is encouraging, Newman warns parents to be cautious about government-funded school choice programs, such as tax credits or Education Savings Accounts (ESAs). While these programs can make private education more accessible, they often come with strings attached. “It’s a trap,” Newman explains, warning that government oversight could erode the independence of private schools and homeschooling families.

The Church’s Responsibility

Newman emphasizes that the church has a vital role to play in addressing the education crisis. He believes pastors and Christian leaders must step up to support parents in their God-given responsibility to educate their children. This can take many forms:

  • Opening church doors to host schools, co-ops, or learning centers

  • Providing financial support for families seeking Christian education

  • Preaching about the biblical mandate for parents to disciple their children

Scripture provides clear guidance on the responsibility of parents to raise their children in the faith:

  • Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6)

  • “Bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.” (Ephesians 6:4)

Newman calls for the church to come alongside parents—not to take over their role, but to provide the resources and encouragement they need to succeed.

Indoctrination in the Classroom?

One of the most controversial claims Newman makes is that public schools are not merely failing academically but are actively working to indoctrinate children. He points to the promotion of radical gender ideologies, the sexualization of children at younger ages, and a growing hostility toward faith-based perspectives.

“Parents need to ask themselves a hard question,” Newman says. “If the public school system is not for Christ, then who is it for?”

This stark perspective challenges Christians to evaluate who is influencing their children and take bold steps to protect their faith and future.

What Can Parents and Pastors Do?

For parents, Newman’s advice is clear: take responsibility for your child’s education. Whether through homeschooling, private Christian schools, or faith-based co-ops, there are alternatives that align with biblical values and provide a solid foundation for lifelong success.

For pastors, the message is equally urgent: the church must actively engage in the education crisis. Churches have the resources, space, and influence to support families and create meaningful change. Whether it’s offering scholarships, hosting schools, or simply preaching about the importance of biblical education, the church has an essential role to play.


The question of whether public schools are educating or indoctrinating our children is one that every parent and pastor must consider. With so much at stake—academically, morally, and spiritually—it’s time to take action.

As Newman puts it, “This is the most important battle of all the battles happening.”

For more information and resources, visit:

📚 Get Alex's Newman's book: Indoctrinating Our Children to Death: Government Schools' War on Faith, Family, and Freedom on Amazon

This blog post was generated from the following episode of the WISE and Otherwise Podcast with Dalena Wallace. Find more at:

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